Aaron and I met while attending and playing soccer for Brigham Young University of Hawaii in 2008. We became best friends and nearly did everything together and finally started (officially) dating Junior year. We were married right before our Senior year in the Mt. Timpanogos temple on July 9th, 2011. We lived our first year of marriage in Hawaii where we graduated and finished our collegiate soccer careers. We have lived in Hawaii, England, Utah, and currently reside in Chicago.

Our first kind, energetic, full of life, passionionate, and beautiful daughter Poppy Brynn was born on November 11th, 2014 at the Intermountain Medical Center hospital in Murray, Utah. She was born at 2:22pm and weighed 8lbs 15oz and was 21.5 inches long. We spent a week in the hospital while Poppy was in the NICU for low blood sugars and jaundice. She is about to turn three in the next couple of weeks although many people mistake her as a 4 year old because of her height, extremely sociable confident demeanor, and her great vocabulary. Poppy loves Primrose so incredibly much. She always asks to paint pictures for her and talks about all the things she can't wait to do with her in heaven one day. Poppy has a heart of gold and is extremely compassionate. During our family/maternity photos Poppy picked the most beautiful flowers for her sister (seen in this picture). I can also always count on an immediate hug and a sincere "I miss Primrose too" when she sees me crying. God knew we needed our Poppy girl to get us through this hard life and she helps us see the beauty through the pain. She is our angel daughter earth-side.

Primrose Adele was born sleeping at 30 weeks gestation (You can read more about this
here and I will write another more in-depth post when the time is right). She happened to be born at the same hospital as Poppy while we were on vacation in Utah from Chicago. Primrose was born at 3:55pm and weighed 3lbs 5oz and measured 16 inches long. She had a head full of beautiful dark brown curly hair and a perfect button nose just like Poppy. While she was inside my belly she was extremely active and we cherished every single movement and kick which I'm so grateful for. She had me craving cheeseburgers (plain just like her dad) and would always hide her face when we tried doing 4d ultrasound pictures (also characteristic of her father when it comes to taking pictures haha). I could feel the sweetest, most angelic spirit from her and seeing her tiny body confirmed how perfect she is. We can't wait for the day when we get to raise her and find out more about her. She is our angel daughter in heaven.
Our time with Prim, both in my belly and at the hospital, are some of the most sacred moments of our lives. They hold the times where we were the happiest we have ever been and the lowest, saddest, hardest times of our life thus far. There is no way to prepare you for the kind of heart wrenching grief losing a child brings. It forever changes you.
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