In the early hours of the morning I experienced some stomach pains which quickly escalated. It is absolutely heart wrenching thinking of those moments in the hospital. I never could have imagined the depth of pain and sorrow one could feel until that day.

Primrose was born at 3:55pm weighing 3lbs 5oz and measuring 16 inches long. She was born with an incredible amount of dark brown curly hair and resembled her sister Poppy so much. Primrose was born absolutely perfect and to not be able to bring her home was truly a nightmare I had never even considered and at times still feels impossible to comprehend and accept.
The doctors don't have much of an explanation as to why this happened. One moment she was fine and the next she had returned back to heaven. Simply put, my placenta had an abruption and caused a blot clot to form. The doctor's related it to walking outside and being struck by lightning. We were very unlucky.

We hope to share our journey through grief and our findings of joy along the way. We want others experiencing this heartbreak to know they are not alone and also hope to help others seeking to provide comfort for loved ones experiencing this kind of grief.
God has been extremely present throughout this experience and we know that our Primrose was needed in heaven otherwise she would be here today. This knowledge doesn't take the pain away but we are grateful to know that families are forever and we will raise her one day. We cannot wait for that blessed day.
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