We bought or were given so many incredible items to help with pain and to remember our darling until we are with her again. I have listed some items (in no particular order) below that are meaningful to us in case you or someone you love is going through something similar:
- Jewelry for mom with baby's name, initial, or symbolic charm.
- There are many companies who provide great options. Here is one of the many that we love: Made by Mary
- Naming Primrose after a flower I was gifted beautiful jewelry with this flower as well<3
- Keychain for dad with baby's name.
- We used C and T Custom Lures
- "Forever My Little Girls -Poppy & Primrose" was engraved on one of their keychains and it turned out beautiful.
- This painting from the extremely talented Sarah Cray.
- Read why I love this particular painting in Primrose's 2nd month update here.
- Hand and feet molds/prints.
- The hospital provided this for us and they are one of my most treasured items.
- Matching/sentimental items
- Before burying Prim we were able to buy matching necklaces, bracelets, etc. for us and her.
- Aaron, Poppy, and I wrote and read letters to Primrose and buried them with her.
- Families are Forever Quilt from Deseret Book.
- "Families are Forever" has become our mantra and the beautiful florals are extra special to me.
- Make a unique and personalized woven blanket from Shutterfly.
- Name a Star.
- Cards, thoughtful sincere messages, flowers, etc. Knowing people cared about us and Primrose meant so much.
- Special journal/notebook to write feelings, save ultrasounds, photos, etc.
- Willow Tree Keepsakes
- She Will Find What is Lost painting by Brian Kershisnik
- Framing the 5x7 card can be a beautiful yet low cost alternative.
- There are so many amazing books about loss, grief, etc.
- One that really resonated with me was: Even This by Emily Belle Freeman.
- Cyanotype Print of baby's ultrasound.
- We haven't ordered one yet but they have a beautiful product with great reviews.
- Custom painted prints or inspirational quote.
- We were gifted beautiful artwork that means a lot to me as I'm a very visual person. Some of this artwork came from Sarah Cray at Dandelion Paper Co, LuLu Ink Designs, and Danielle Hunt.
- Pillow or stuffed animal in the weight of their baby.
- We received an anonymous beautiful heart-shaped pillow weighing 3lbs 5oz which has given my arms something to hold when they feel incredibly empty missing her.
- Donations to help with funeral/burial/medical expenses.
- Family and friends graciously donated to us through Go Fund Me in which one of my best friends set up for us.
- This site does take a percentage of the money raised but it created a simple way to share the information and donate easily.
- Attending the Light Fest and lighting a lantern in their honor.
- We will share our own personal experience and pointers in the near future.
- Hilary Week's CD Love Your Life has many songs that took thoughts straight out of my head. (Especially track 11 but also #s 4, 5, 9, and 10)
- A special candle that can be lit for the Wave of Light and/or anniversaries (due dates, birthdates, special occasions, during hard days, etc)
- Read more about what the Wave of Light is here.
- For us living, in a different state from her graveside is extremely hard emotionally. However, having family and friends who stop by and send us pictures help lift us up.
*I'll add photos here in the near future of those items not tagged with links*
If you have any thoughts or suggestions please share with us in a comment below <3
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