Friday, January 26, 2018

Flowers for Prim: Six Months

6 MONTHS | Six months of missing you, but six months closer to seeing you again.

Half of a year. The longest half year in my entire life without you Primrose. Every minute very aware of your absence hurts more than I knew possible. However, I think this is the first month of feeling a small sliver of hope. Not thinking, not wishing, not just praying for it but a split second of true light hit my soul. I don't even remember why or when, but it happened. It didn't last long and it was surrounded by many many dark days but it was there. And that is something to celebrate and give thanks for. I don't think it's coincidence it came just in time for your half birthday in heaven. <3

This month you taught me and opened my eyes to the people around me. The people I know and the ones I don't. I realized the heartache I'm feeling is felt in many situations which is quite a heavy realization. Some (too many) like ours and some much different, but all with the underlying hurt that life isn't what we planned. It isn't what we imagined and it may never be. Yet time and time again & situation after situation life keeps throwing me the same message found in Proverbs 3:5-6 which says,

[5]"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
[6]"In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct they paths."

I may need this as a constant reminder to fully get my heart there, but I'll get there. Slowly but surely.

Because ultimately I know I need my path directed by Him.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Maybe Not Everything is About Me

Since losing our sweet Primrose Adele, I have searched for a reason, meaning, or purpose in being asked to bare such an incredibly difficult burden. My worst nightmare. Everything is meant to 'happen for a reason' so...

What am I meant to learn from this?

What purpose am I meant to serve not having my beloved daughter here in my arms?

How could this trial be leading me to "something better"?

What do you want me to do from here?

Where do you want me to go?

Why me?

Why us?

Why Primrose?

Maybe I'll become a better person. Maybe I'll be able to help in some way. Maybe I'll have opportunities I would never have. Maybe I'll meet/re-meet people that I may not have...All these things have great meaning but nothing makes losing a child ever feel worth it. And unlike God, we don't see the bigger picture and in times of struggle it can be... Frustrating.  Lonely.  Upsetting.

One day cycling through the questions above and searching for some sort of meaning to this, I became once again frustrated not having answers or a clear direction. Then I had a thought.

I would literally do anything for my girls; Poppy and Primrose. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them. So...

Maybe not everything is about me.

Maybe this is purely for my darling Primrose and this is what I needed to do for her. As heart wrenching, emotionally and physically exhausting, and long suffering losing a baby or child at any stage can be...maybe this is the main reason and purpose right now. That Primrose just needed a body. That she was needed in heaven and I just needed to be willing to lose her and live life until I get to have her again. What I do after is a choice. A choice that is mine. No expectations just a chance to do something that will help me endure this life as well as I possibly can.  Heaven and earth may separate us, but it doesn't take away the fact that I'd do anything for Primrose. It looks differently than what I'll do for Poppy here, but it will be done with the same feelings of love in my heart that I have for both of them. 

If you are going through grief, know that it is all you have to do. Go through it.

If there is something you feel inspired to do and it helps push through it...Do it. Just know you aren't expected to always make lemonade out of lemons every second of the day. Some days you'll make sweet lemonade, other days it will be tart, and some days you'll chuck those lemons across the room and refuse to take a drink... and yet all days are important. God understands. He will always help and be there to hand us the sugar again. And again. And again.

This mummy heart is so incredibly proud of her daughters. A three year old who lights up the room and has the biggest sincere heart I've ever seen/felt & another in heaven who has received ultimate glory and exaltation with our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ (if you would like more information regarding this you can read it here) and who didn't need to be tried and tested here.  I was enabled and given the chance to be the one to develop a perfect little body just for her. The only gift she needed here. 

I'm one extremely lucky mama <3

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Flowers for Prim: Five Months

FIVE months | five months of missing you, but five months closer to seeing you again (December 24th)

This month we were finally able to come 'visit' you and see your beautiful headstone. Being the planner that I am, I had already imagined how I would be decorating your nursery, milestones, and birthdays but for now this is what we have to give sweetheart...Decorating your headstone and finding ways to decorate our lives with you in mind while we are apart. 

Your sweet daddy reminded me that although we don't live close to your resting place your spirit is ALWAYS nearby us wherever we go (As you know, your daddy is absolutely incredible Primrose). We are so grateful for our sweet friends who let us join them in their cute Pinwheel tradition. Waiting for it to spin is the sweetest indication that you truly are never far from us. 

Oh what we would give to have things different for everyone who is missing a sweet angel baby/babies. But we will continue to search for you every moment of our lives until we get to hold you again. We all love you sweet girl.